Acast is the world’s largest independent podcast company. Founded in 2014, the company has pioneered the open podcast ecosystem ever since – making podcasts available on any listening platform. Acast provides a marketplace, helping podcasters find the right audience to monetize their content. When our podcasters make money, we make money. Today, Acast hosts nearly 88,000 podcasts, with more than 430 million listens every month. The company operates worldwide and is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden. Acast is listed on the Nasdaq First North Premier Growth Market. Certified Adviser is FNCA Sweden AB,, +46 (0) 8528 00 399.
Georgie Holt, Managing Director UK+, Acast says: “Podcasts are taking centre stage around the world, and The Podcast Show London is an important platform to bring the UK podcasting community together. As the industry leader, Acast is committed to supporting and advancing the whole industry — and to finding and nurturing the best, most diverse talent the UK has to offer — so we leapt at the chance to bring our expertise to the event’s programme of keynotes, panels and masterclasses.