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Talking Podcasts Creator

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Challenging The Idea That the Podcast World is ‘Saturated’

22 May 2024
Talking Podcasts Creator
At a time where podcasts are literally EVERYWHERE - we ask - is there still room for more? This immersive session will delve into tips and advice for those wanting to launch and begin a podcast - how to make it grow, sell, and the importance of empowering storytelling when engaging your audiences. Hannah Ajala, international journalist and presenter of the award-winning Love, Janessa, the panel will be joined by BAFTA-nominated journalist and Blanchard House producer Seren Jones, Yolanthe Fawehinmi, Senior Lifestyle Reporter at PA Media and creator & Host of the new Black Prose Podcast ‘where black writers talk amongst themselves’ and the Hosts of the influential community podcast To My Sisters, Courtney Boateng and Renée Kapuku. In this session you will learn how, through building a community listenership, the power of a good podcast can go far beyond the studio. The panellists will also explore the advantages of working on podcasts by independent production companies as well as global broadcasting corporations, opening up more room for creativity. Most importantly, they will share why there is still room to birth the idea of new and refreshing podcasts, and leave you with important tips and advice to help make yours grow.
Hannah Ajala, Journalist & Host - Love, Janessa
Seren Jones, Host & Producer - Blanchard House
Yolanthé Fawehinmi, Host - Black Prose
Courtney Boateng, Host - To My Sisters
Renée Kapuku, Host - To My Sisters
Presented By: HANNAH AJALA
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